Have you even asked yourself why so many people in this world are living an unhappy life?!
But what about you?!

Are you a happy person … or not?!

And if not … have you ever thought why?!

Is just a simple question, same as you would ask yourself why you don’t know skying … if you never took lessons for that?!

You see … truth be told … in school we’ve learnt lots of things, including complicated math formulas, languages that we will never use in life, chemistry issues that will not serve us with nothing etc etc … but no one ever bothered to teach us at least a short list with things to do .. for having a beautiful .. and why not … an amazing life.

I mean .. we can easily understand that we can’t paint if we haven’t learnt the art of painting, we can’t sing piano without a little bit of help came by a piano teacher etc etc … but when it comes to life … to our private lives in fact … we simple can’t find the path for a non ending great story.

There is always something that is ruining our vibes.

We find … lots of silly problems … and we actually allow them to disturb us from staying on the right spiritual frequency … and in fact … enjoy life.

But … let me tell you the truth … i did the same for years … many, many years in a row.

My life was kind of an emotional dance … between good and bad vibes … but i could not find a way of stopping it.

I even named it … in a silly way … the dance of emotions.

Until one day when i realized that this nonsense journey back and forth … from good to bad energies … was ruining my inner soul.

I knew i had to stop it, but i felt i had no control over the process.

It all looked like i was in a prison with invisible walls … and i had no escape at all.

I started to meditate.

More and more.

Understood that i need to look deeper … why i have this silly balance of duality … if i want a beautiful life.

This is when i started to look deeper and deeper … analyzing and defining my life from on million perspectives.

In the end .. by talking to myself a lot, but also writing my thoughts … i somehow became my own therapist.

I invite you in a journey of discovering the way of thinking deeper … what life is really about … and how we can remove the negative elements from our timeline … but also replace them with beautiful things that might bring us an existance fulfilled with eternal great vibes.


You can also read more about Adrian and his books on his website.

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