SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT ABOUT SOCIALISING… BUT ABOUT… FLIRTING - By The Well Known Romanian Essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

We are excited to feature a thought-provoking guest post from the well-known Romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru. In this reflective piece titled “Social Media is Not About Socialising … but About … Flirting,” Dumitru delves into the complexities of modern social media interactions and the blurred lines between genuine connection and unsolicited attention. Through a candid conversation with a friend, he explores the contradictions we face in the digital world — where, even in committed relationships, the allure and frustrations of social media persist. Join us as Dumitru unpacks the challenges of navigating online spaces, and the decisions we often fail to make when it comes to preserving our peace.

I’ve once spoke at a coffee with a lady … which really loved her husband.

She adored him … and more we were speaking, more i was understanding that she wanted to be with him … till the rest of their lives.

But … suddenly she asks me a weird question … “Why the hell all men from the whole world write me every day … suggesting me all sorts of nasty things?!

Why society changed so, so much?

Why i have to deal with this sexual harassment …. from all those lost souls?!”

I’ve smiled to her.

I already knew by a long, long time from more ladies that men started to be aggressive in social media … and there was nothing to do than ignore their messages.

But … i’ve dared to ask my dear friend Carla … “Why the hell you just don’t delete your social media accounts?! …. and simple disappear from there?!

You see … like that … you totally cut those types of connections.”

Carla … disagreed with me … “Oh noo! I love social media. Why should i delete my accounts?!”

“Well … then continue the charade with those men …”

Somehow … i felt she was … contradictory.

She loved her husband … but even if she was dealing with sexual harassment all the time from the online environment … she did not wanted to disconnect from there.

So … all continued into the same style.

In love … but still being wanted by so, so many men … and not doing anything to stop … those silly games.

Maybe … all in life … is just a decision … and we don’t really know to pay the right price …. not even in front of the beautiful stories.

Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE: Spiritual & Philosophical Essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


You can read more about Adrian and his books on his website.

You can also contact him across his social media profiles:

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