Today, we are honored to sit down with the author of “Mr & Mrs FREUD: In Love … But Still Playing Psychological Games”, a thought-provoking collection of essays that delves deep into the complexities of love, psychology, and human behavior. With over 20 books written on the topic of love, this author has explored every facet of the subject—from being in love to questioning the very concept itself. In this interview, they share with us the inspiration behind their latest work, a candid exploration of why even the most intelligent and self-aware individuals find themselves entangled in psychological games that can destroy relationships. We’ll dive into the contradictions of love, the philosophical and spiritual dimensions of relationships, and why the author, despite their frustrations with love, remains irresistibly drawn to it.

Let’s explore the mind behind “Mr & Mrs FREUD” and the deep questions that this book raises about love, life, and everything in between.

Q: Your book explores contradictory perceptions about love. How did your personal experiences and observations of couples influence your writing in “Mr & Mrs FREUD: In Love … But Still Playing Psychological Games”?

Adrian: I believe that only the experience should give us the right to write.
And … explore those perceptions about a certain subject with the public.
Into my writings i am a lot influenced of the real life.
Of my personal life, but also if the ones which i see on the stage of reality.

Q: You mention in the description that you’ve written over 20 books on love but promised yourself not to write about it again. What keeps drawing you back to the topic of love, despite your personal struggles with the concept?

Maybe … being in love again.
But today i am more in love of the life itself … trying to always connect to beautiful vibes and enjoy all.
That is a fundamental principle in how i am guiding myself in life.

Q: The idea of intelligent people engaging in ‘psychological games’ in relationships is central to your book. Why do you think even the most emotionally aware individuals fall into these patterns of behavior?

Most certainly … we are all idiots.
We suffer of a weird blindness not really being able to realise the mistakes of playing … sometimes non stop … psychological games.

Q: You often refer to love as both an illusory and destructive force. How do you balance this somewhat pessimistic view with the idea that love is also something beautiful and worth pursuing?

In English we say … we fall in love.
I believe that it’s the clear expression of what love means for us.
But over the last few years my perceptions changed … even a lot.
So … i’ve started to believe that we actually need a love teacher … which is a partner … as into the end to understand what is love … and practice it with everyone from the stage of our lives.

Q: In the book, you describe analyzing couples and their interactions. How do these real-life ‘case studies’ inform the psychological and philosophical insights you present in your essays?

I think 95% of all my essays are real case scenarios which i actually experienced … or partially saw them.
And writing should be a lot related with the real life.
But … of course i believe in fantasies too.
I always tell to the people accusing me that i write about them … that i just write fantasy … and hope they will never read this interview.

Q: You talk about ‘Mr. and Mrs. Freud’—people who seem to understand psychology but still engage in self-sabotaging behavior in love. Why do you think there’s such a gap between understanding love and practicing it wisely?

I believe we can’t trust for 100% into our partners.
And we all the time need confirmations.
Lots of confirmations.
So … sometimes we just end up playing not stop psychological games which are ruining all.
That is one of the main reasons why the beauty of the relationship is not lasting on very long term.
So …. I guess it’s nothing related with the intelligence or wisdom … but about trusting for real one into the another.
Actually … answering at all of your questions now … i become much aware of the actions of self sabotage from my past relationships.

Q: Your writing takes a deep philosophical and spiritual dive into love. How do philosophy and spirituality shape your understanding of relationships, and how are these themes reflected in the book?

It’s a mix of factors.
I understand life itself from the perspective of philosophy, spirituality and psychology.
Even if you would not agree … which is ok … we couldn’t really understand this subject called love.
Love means a profound connection.
Synchronising of energies.
Stupid behaviour … and you need to know a lot of psychology to accept all as normality.

Q: Many readers struggle with the same questions you pose in the book about love, such as why love can so easily turn into hate. Do you believe there are any practical steps individuals can take to stop falling into these ‘psychological games’?

Love is also about duality.
It’s a main ingredient of it.
We balance between love and hate … but we forget that a couple means … usually a man and a woman.
So … duality.
Masculine and feminine energies.
I guess we should become conscious of the practical steps individuals can take to stop falling into these ‘psychological games’.
Be more conscious.
Define … the ugly energies from a relationship … and try to stop them.
And probably stay connected only and only on the beautiful side of the story.
Which actually can become … a habit.

Q: You admit in the description that you don’t have a clear conclusion about love, but you continue to explore it. What do you hope readers will gain from reading your essays, even if a definitive answer remains elusive?

All my books are … perceptions.
Any reader can continue my ideas.
I’ve certainly not invented the hot water … but …

Q: Lastly, love seems to be an ‘addiction’ for you, as you put it. What advice would you give to someone who, like you, feels caught between the allure of love and the emotional toll it can take?

I think we should metamorphose all into something totally different.
And practice love into its absolute form with anyone from the stage of our lives.
The spouse.
The child.
The parent.
The neighbour.
The cousin.
The lady which you see on the window while you drink your coffee.
Simple love everyone.

Mr. Dumitru’s Book is available at the following stores:

Connect with Mr. Dumitru on his website.

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