There are many times in life when we have lots of existential questions inside of our minds.

Accepting those thoughts … and actually embracing them is the path for understanding but also having a normal … and why not … also a beautiful life.

I personally try to understand those existential questions from the early age of 4 or 5.

One of the things that i remember from that time was that i was in the kitchen with my mother and she was explaining me that we live in a world with bad people and i should be aware of that.

Maybe if she was telling me that Santa Claus was not real, i would have accepted that much easier.

But i totally disliked what she told me and it was the first time when i disconnected myself from her.

I told to myself … “This is not true. I will explore the world and i will prove that this is not true. Noooo … we don’t live in a world with bad people!”.

It was the start of my journey on a philosophical path, that for many, many times looked like a pathless path to me, but also to the ones were looking at me.

As a child i was an introvert, but today … after socializing so, so much with so many people that i met … i became an extrovert.

And … i accept on the stage of my life absolutely any kind of person … i met.

Even if i don’t like that person … or i don’t feel comfortable in the presence of that spirit … i continue my journey of exploring the human beings and i kind of like it.

I try to … read … people … to see each one of them as a book, cause all of them … have their own stories… and i also try to somehow … invent .. a guide of surviving in this world.

I felt many times, probably same as you, that my mother’s theory about the world is true … and i was too idealistic for this Universe … but i still had the hope that things will always change into better.

I was exploring life … and while doing this i discovered that even in bad things, i will always find a beautiful side.

So … there is an ugly and a beautiful side, but depends which one we are seeing … and the world itself can be defined as ugly or beautiful … only and only by what we actually understand from what we see.

And … to learn the art of observing the world … first we need to explore life … with all its aspects and then … meditate and ask ourselves before defining anything if it’s worth losing our time with the ugly elements … when still life has so, so many beautiful sides.


You can also read more about Adrian and his books on his website.

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